Our Services
Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that has become very popular in the West. There are many aspects to a Yogic way of life. The practice of Yoga through Asanas (postures) creates a great path for personal growth and an opportunity for increased awareness, strength, balance, and relaxation in all areas of one’s life.

We can help you with:
Achilles tendinitis ○ Achilles tendonopathy ○ ACL injury ○ Adductor tear ○ Ankle sprain ○ Anterior cruciate ligament injury ○ Autoimmune disease ○ Car accident ○ Carpal tunnel syndrome ○ Cervical radiculopathy ○ Collar bone fracture ○ Collar bone pain ○ Concussion ○ Concussion therapy ○ Conservative care ○ Disc herniation ○ Disc pain ○ Dizziness ○ Facet arthropathy ○ Fat pad syndrome ○ Femur fracture ○ Fibula fracture ○ Fracture ○ Frozen shoulder ○ Golfers elbow ○ Green stick fracture ○ Groin pull ○ Hamstring tear ○ Headache treatment ○ Headaches ○ Heel pain ○ Hip adjustments ○ Hip bursitis ○ Hip pain ○ Hip stiffness ○ Humerus fracture ○ Injury prevention ○ Intercostal neuralgia ○ IT band syndrome ○ Knee pain ○ Knee rehabilitation ○ Kyphosis ○ Lordosis ○ Low back pain ○ Lumbar disc compression ○ Lumbar disc injury ○ Lumbar disc sprain ○ Mental health ○ Metatarsalgia ○ Migraine ○ MTSS (shin splints) ○ Neck pain ○ Neck stiffness ○ Nerve entrapment ○ Orthotic prescription ○ Orthotic treatment ○ Orthotics ○ Osteoarthritis ○ Osteoporosis ○ Pain relief ○ Patella femoral pain ○ Plantar fasciitis ○ Post concussion symptoms ○ Post concussion syndrome ○ Repetitive stress injury ○ Prenatal and postnatal pregnancy care ○ Rheumatoid arthritis ○ Rotator cuff injury ○ Running injuries ○ Sciatica ○ Shin splints ○ Shoulder bursitis ○ Shoulder impingement ○ Shoulder strain ○ Sleep disturbance ○ Spinal stenosis ○ Sports injury prevention ○ Sprain ○ Strain ○ Stress fracture ○ Stress reduction ○ Stress relief ○ Tendinitis ○ Tendonopathy ○ Tennis elbow ○ Thoracic disc compression ○ Thoracic disc injury ○ Thoracic disc sprain ○ Thoracic outlet syndrome ○ Tibia fracture ○ TMJ ○ Ultra running injuries and prevention ○ Vertigo treatment ○ Whiplash ○ Wrist pain
Vernon, BC, V1T 1W9
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