Our Services
Kinesiology is the study of human movement. Our Kinesiologists work with you to develop personalized exercise programs designed to improve your strength, range of motion, and function. In Canada, Kinesiologists or Physiotherapist Assistants (PTAs) work with Physiotherapists to provide care for clients under the supervision of the Physiotherapist. PTAs can be involved in aspects of care such as supervised exercise, assisted mobilizations and stretches, or applying recovery modalities. This can help optimize recovery from injury, improve performance, and facilitate long-term, sustainable movement.

Kinesiology services offered:
Optimal fitness for children through various types of movement
Stretches, breathing and self regulation for children.
One on one or small group training for weight loss, strength and endurance, and other physical health goals.
Treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery.
Advice and treatment of sport acquired injuries.
A method of training the body using resistance exercises.
Training the body using resistance exercises.
We can help you with:
Achilles tendinitis ○ Achilles tendonopathy ○ ACL injury ○ Adductor tear ○ Ankle sprain ○ Anterior cruciate ligament injury ○ Autoimmune disease ○ Car accident ○ Carpal tunnel syndrome ○ Cervical radiculopathy ○ Collar bone fracture ○ Collar bone pain ○ Concussion ○ Concussion therapy ○ Conservative care ○ Disc herniation ○ Disc pain ○ Dizziness ○ Facet arthropathy ○ Fat pad syndrome ○ Femur fracture ○ Fibula fracture ○ Fracture ○ Frozen shoulder ○ Golfers elbow ○ Green stick fracture ○ Groin pull ○ Hamstring tear ○ Headache treatment ○ Headaches ○ Heel pain ○ Hip adjustments ○ Hip bursitis ○ Hip pain ○ Hip stiffness ○ Humerus fracture ○ Injury prevention ○ Intercostal neuralgia ○ IT band syndrome ○ Knee pain ○ Knee rehabilitation ○ Kyphosis ○ Lordosis ○ Low back pain ○ Lumbar disc compression ○ Lumbar disc injury ○ Lumbar disc sprain ○ Mental health ○ Metatarsalgia ○ Migraine ○ MTSS (shin splints) ○ Neck pain ○ Neck stiffness ○ Nerve entrapment ○ Orthotic prescription ○ Orthotic treatment ○ Orthotics ○ Osteoarthritis ○ Osteoporosis ○ Pain relief ○ Patella femoral pain ○ Plantar fasciitis ○ Post concussion symptoms ○ Post concussion syndrome ○ Repetitive stress injury ○ Prenatal and postnatal pregnancy care ○ Rheumatoid arthritis ○ Rotator cuff injury ○ Running injuries ○ Sciatica ○ Shin splints ○ Shoulder bursitis ○ Shoulder impingement ○ Shoulder strain ○ Sleep disturbance ○ Spinal stenosis ○ Sports injury prevention ○ Sprain ○ Strain ○ Stress fracture ○ Stress reduction ○ Stress relief ○ Tendinitis ○ Tendonopathy ○ Tennis elbow ○ Thoracic disc compression ○ Thoracic disc injury ○ Thoracic disc sprain ○ Thoracic outlet syndrome ○ Tibia fracture ○ TMJ ○ Ultra running injuries and prevention ○ Vertigo treatment ○ Whiplash ○ Wrist pain
Vernon, BC, V1T 1W9
Get in touch.